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Your Excellency the US Ambassador to Uganda

Your worship the Mayor

Chairman Board Mbarara Regional Referral

Vice Chancellor Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST)

The Chief of Party RHITES South West

Director Global heath collaborative

Distinguished guests 

Ladies and Gentlemen

Today is an important occasion that brings Head of US Mission to Uganda Madam Natalie E Brown to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.

This is a pleasure for me to host a very important person who heads a strategic and important embassy in Uganda.

I believe that this visit of the ambassador will go a long way to the enhancement of our collaboration in areas of HIV/ AIDS, Disease surveillance (Global Health Security) and combating the COVID 19 pandemic that is ravaging and threating the existence of humanity.

This hospital was established in 1930 as small Health Centre;it was expanded and officially opened as hospital in 1953.  In 1989 the government made a decision to establish a 2nd medical school in Uganda and that is how Mbarara University of science and Technology was established. This hospital therefore is a default teaching hospital for MUST. I therefore wish to recognize our key partner the Vice Chancellor of Mbarara University of science and technology.

The Uganda health system recognizes the public health and its interventions in the community, both the university and the hospital therefore have community health departments   meant to serve 12 districts and one city, however due to its location we serve patients from Northern Tanzania, Republic of Rwanda and Burundi and Eastern Democratic republic of Congo.

The establishment of the University transformed the hospital to specialized clinical care. We have 24 specialized clinics under the four traditional departments of Medicine, Obstetrics and gynecology, Pediatrics.

The investigations department such as Radiology and   Laboratories is another area under development. We would like to thank US Government for the funding of the satellite lab which has just begun. Our lab services are geared to establish the following laboratories


  1. Microbiology
  2. Pathology and histopathology
  3. Chemistry lab
  4. Hematology and blood transfusion
  5. Parasitology
  6. Virology
  7. Serology

To equip these laboratories, we estimate that USD 400,000 can go a long way .

Special Clinics

The emerging of new diseases such as HIV and now COVID 19 has caused re-orientation health services.



Uganda’s HIV pandemic dates back in 1982 when the patients in Rakai  and Kyotera districts presented with a unique disease that made them thin and slimy and was nick named SLIM. This was later classified by WHO as AIDS caused by HIV. Since that time and more importantly in 1986 the Governments of Uganda and USA worked together to initiate strategies that would mitigate and combat the new disease, the ABC strategy was born!

A= Abstinence

B= Being faithful

C= condom use

The strategy was popularized and to become a defining model for Uganda that reduced the incidence   HIV a virus that causes AIDS.

It is at this time that I would like to thank you your Excellency and US Government for the support in terms of financial and human resources extended to Uganda in the fight HIV pandemic.

As a country we welcome this support by the US Government and applaud in extending the much needed resources to the people of this country and particular Ankole sub Region.

COVID 19; Corona Virus

Your Excellency the world is at a standstill because of Corona virus, this is a challenging situation for entire World and certainly Africa where Uganda is located.

The situation in Mbarara is not any better

Cumulative admissions                 386

Cumulative discharges                  264

Total number in care            93

In ICU                                               23

Cumulative health workers    57

Death                                        19            

These numbers are building up quickly and soon they will double and even triple. Mbarara Task force and Global Health Collaborative a US government funded organization came up with plan to build a separate Covid-19 treatment centre, the construction is its final stages, yourExcellency with an estimated initial investment of USD 400,000we believe this center should become a hub for, testing treating vaccinationof COVID 19 and research in the region.

The discovery and approval of a vaccine is bringing hope and your Excellency think about Uganda and Mbarara to receive a vaccine.


Government to Government funding G2G

We appreciate the confidence the American Government has put in us by way of Direct Funding which will strengthen our capacity to manage USG funds for improved service delivery, strengthened systems for leadership, accountability and sustainability. The support is also augmenting government efforts to implement the much needed Public Service reforms to improve performance and accountability. As a pilot site, we are confident that this is going to be a success and will help to roll out and expand the same to other regional referral hospitals and other government entities.

To this effect, we appreciate the US Governments investment at MRRH under this arrangement to-date of USD 698,022. This money is supporting Staff salaries, HIV/AIDS, TB activities as well as leadership andgovernance. As the scope of supported activities under this arrangement expands, we also anticipate a commensurate increase in the funding.

Once again I want thank you Your Excellency andthe team from  the US mission in Kampala for the work and the demonstration during the many years of partnership, you haves shown  responsibility by contributing to the improvement of health care services in  Uganda. We look forward to even more support from the US Government.

At point Your Excellency,allow me to thank the Hospital team and congratulate ourselves for the great work in handling patients.

I would like to thank all of you for accepting our invitation and thank Ambassador for accepting to visit Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.

Thank you.

For God and my Country

DrBarigye Celestine

Hospital Director

Mbarara Regional Referral hospital


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